Induction lighting has similar characteristics as LED lighting such as they come on instantly, last as long or even longer than LED’s and saves energy about the same as LED’s and in some cases can cost less than LED’s.
These lights come in different shapes and forms. Normally Induction lighting is used for indoor or outdoor commercial lighting and as street lights.
What is a Magnetic Induction Lamp you might ask.
Aside from the method of coupling energy into the mercury vapor, these lamps are very similar to conventional fluorescent lamps. Mercury vapor in the discharge vessel is electrically excited to produce short-wave ultraviolet light, which then excites internal phosphors to produce visible light. While still relatively unknown to the public, these lamps have been available since 1990. Unlike an incandescent lamp or conventional fluorescent lamps, there is no electrical connection going inside the glass bulb; the energy is transferred through the glass envelope solely by electromagnetic induction.
We have experience in converting existing lighting to Induction or we can replace with new Induction lights.